Thread-Web with Pat Hertzberg

Recently 14 members of Out of the Box had the good fortune of attending a fabulous Workshop taught by visiting artist, Pat Hertzberg. She drove here from Caledon to teach us a technique called Thread Web.
My husband, Dave, helped me set up the tables on the first day. By the time he left lots of us had set up our sewing machines. That night Dave told me that it reminded him of a sweat shop from the movies. 🙃Hardly!
We had all brought fabric scraps… natural fibres such as cotton, wool, silk, and some manufactured fibres, as well as tulle, lace, ribbons, cords and many different coloured threads.
After an introduction which included lots of slides of Pat’s amazing work we got down to business. We each used a piece of 6″x8″ clear wash away film. On the film we laid out little bits of our stash in a design of our own which often included cords, threads and ribbons. After spraying very lightly with water we added the top layer of film which would stick to the outer edges of the bottom film. After drying it we sewed all over the piece by machine with thread in our own design making sure every scrap of fabric or ribbon was connected to another. Now for the final step – we gently washed our piece in water to dissolve the clear film. The results were some pretty amazing and unique diaphanous, lace like pieces of art.
So much variety – as Pat said “The sky is the limit!”

Thread-Web with Pat Hertzberg

Thread-Web with Pat Hertzberg